Works in English

Jan-Christian Petersen - I write to connect people

I write to connect people

My Literature and poetry connect observations, people and knowledge. I do readings, give talks and offer a poetry shop with many of my works availabe. Consider a Paypal donation. It helps me to focus on my work.

As a writer and journalist, I offer articles for newspapers and magazines. I am specialized in (international) human and cultural affairs and in portraits of people, their actions, lives and projects. Here is my blog in English.

As a media designer, I create websites for the self-employed, voluntary associations and small companies. I design books and media (layouts, posters, flyers, brochures and more).

The Field Path or Bristle Brush Path by Jan-Christian Petersen, a poem

Bristle Brush Path (or The Field Path) – poem

This poem is an adaptation of my German original. It is available in the poetry shop as a handwritten copy. It contains observations from the oldest part of my hometown Husum, North Frisia, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.

100 Year of Kurt Vonnegut – Celebration

I gave an English-language talk together with Vonnegut biographer Charles J. Shields and Kurt Vonnegut’s grandson Max Prior who read from his grandfather’s works. The German-American online event was organized by the Amerikazentrum in Hamburg, Germany, and by the Kurt Vonnegut Society, USA.

You can book me for readings and talks: petersen(at)

Handgeschriebenes Gedicht von Jan-Christian Petersen / handwritten poetry by Jan-Christian Petersen

The Humming of the Night – poem

I will write this poem by hand for you and send it over. Support my work by ordering a handwritten copy. Use this order form or send me an e-mail. Visit the poetry shop for more. Enjoy!

My Poetry Exhibition in Friedrichstadt on August 27, 2022

„All Seasons in the Wet Land“ is the exhibition title. My handwritten poems have been exhibited in the Former Synagogue during Friedrichstadt Culture Night. There is a photo gallery with impressions for you to see.

Digital Art for Liberation Day, May 8, 2022

With an ongoing war in the Ukraine, May 8 became more significant to us. I called for creating digital art. Now the works are shown. On Liberation Day 2022, people encounter what they have experienced in past and present. Visit the exhibition on in German or English.

In 2021, Felix Adler would have turned 170

(download pdf) The son of a German rabbi in New York moved beyond Reform Judaism and founded the Ethical Culture movement. Adler’s Ethical Culture has had an impact on Europe too and still inspires one of the most enduring humanist communities in the US.

E-Poetry for Holocaust Remembrance Day

(Jan 27, 2022) The e-poem »297 Names« is dedicated to the victims of the Husum-Schwesing concentration camp. What is e-poetry? And what does e-poetry mean for the Culture of Remembrance?

Visit the project:

May 8 Building Bridges on Liberation Day

May 8, 1945. The German Wehrmacht surrendered. That marked the end of World War II in Europe. On May 8, 2021, I hosted an event to celebrate liberation and our growing German–American friendship. The participants and their contributions have been recorded for YouTube.

Handgeschriebenes Gedicht von Jan-Christian Petersen / handwritten poetry by Jan-Christian Petersen

All Seasons In The Wet Land – poem

North Frisia. The coastal landscape is unique, the weather is rough, people are introverted. I captured these and other main characteristics in a poem.

Buy this handwritten copy in the poetry shop via the order form or by sending me an e-mail.

Consider a Papal Donation for my creative work. Your support enables me to keep on creative writing.

Cracks poem by Jan-Christian Petersen

Cracks – a prosaic poem

It is an English translation by Tora von Collani of my German prosaic poem „Fugen“. Buy this handwritten copy in the poetry shop via the order form or by sending me an e-mail.

„He was sitting, but he wasn’t sitting still. He never sat still. His breathing—the rising and falling of his chest—led to imperceptible folds in the fabric of the armchair. Lint was surging under his eyes …“ [read more]

Women made of Flowers Blodeuwedd by Jan-Christian Petersen

The Woman Made Of Flowers (Blodeuwedd)

This poem is inspired by a Welsh tale. My German original writing has been translated from English to Welsh by Prof. Angharad Price from Bangor University. Read the poem in both languages. Buy this handwritten copy in the poetry shop via the order form or by sending me an e-mail.